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You're viewing Star Wars : X - Wing Alliance Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Wars : X - Wing Alliance
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:48:53
Views : 24834

Cheat :
First type IMACHEATER, then cheating will be activated. Then the following codes may be used:

EWOKSRULE - Invulneribilty
MASTERYODA - Infinite Ammo
KILLMENOW - Lose Level
HYPERMETO## - Warp to Level Number

Cheats/Tips :

Note: this only works w/ XWA v1.00 !

As i was messing around the settings of this truly awesome game I found a cheat/bug which you can exploit.

Press ESC during the game (favorably in the Concourse / aboard your Family Transporter). Go to the ''General Options''. At the bottow you can set the preset values for ''F11'' and ''F12''. Now set the''Beam Level'' to Zero.

Note: This only works when you don''t have a Beam
Weapon installed ! (tnx 2 LoX)

When flying press your new-edited F11-key (or F12 whatever) and you''re in for a surprise. The game seems to allocate energy for the Beam Weapon even if you don''t have one installed - and since we set the Beam Recharge Level to Zero you are getting that energy added to your engines !!!

This will give you an edge especially with the slower ships (e.g. Y-Wing, CORT''s ...).

Now have fun - and May the Force be with You!

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